Micaela Neto from Lisboa
This is Micaela Neto, she is 25 years old and works as a graphic designer in Lisboa, Portugal. Her...
12/06/201220 -
Max Ritter wearing the AURORA “Serif” Snapback and the classic AURORA “MiniLogo” Shirt. Photographed by Dennis Scholz.
09/06/2012 -
Mianzi Rei from Berlin
Riding Fixed Gear, living a vegan lifestyle and many tattoos. That’s Model Mianzi Rei from Berlin. After a car...
18/05/2012 -
Max Ritter – No Comply Pole Jam
Our man Max Ritter from Berlin rocking the AURORA 5 Panel Cap while poppin’ a smooth No Comply Pole...
10/05/2012 -
AURORA @ Fahrradschau Bicycle Fair 2012 in Berlin
Hej! Finally I had the time to check out the pictures I took at last weekends Fahrradschau in Berlin....
10/03/2012 -
AURORA Skateboarding – Patrick Pazdzior
Patrick Pazdzior from Münster just send in this nice photograph of him olliing over a wood stand. Photo was...
27/02/2012 -
…and there are some AURORA Skateboards aswell!
Just came back from Sascha in Düsseldorf, who helped out producing the first AURORA Skateboards. On the pictures you...
02/11/2011 -
New AURORA Apparel in the making…
Yes. We are working on new stuff and we are finally producing our summer collection 2011. Maybe a bit...